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Greetings and a request

Author rosanne
#1 | Posted: 27 Jun 2008 05:58 
New member. Have been providing and training customer service for over 25 years. Researching for the latest CS statistics from both customer and business perspectives. Use to use the American Forecaster. any ideas. In advance, thanks for your help.

Author ayaree
#2 | Posted: 11 Jul 2008 19:06 
Rosanne, I want to ask if you can re-phrase your question, since I don't see any replies. I have limited training experience from the perspective you are describing. My automatic reaction (when you say you have 25 yrs of experience in this area) is to say you are the one who has something to share about training and research. (Ha ha.) But I don't think I get the question. Are you saying the American Forecaster is not what you want to use anymore for some reason, but you used to use it? Is this about obtaining a fresh approach to the topic?

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 Greetings and a request

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