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How can we allign Total Quality Management with Customer Experience(CX) Management?

Author Choi Agrade
#1 | Posted: 2 Sep 2012 18:27 
i am a newbie from the Philippines! :)

I am a Store Manager of one of the biggest telecommunications in the conuntry (there are by the way 101 stores nationwide and each has its own Store Manager).

I am an advocate of Total Quality Management and i ven introduced it to my team a year ago. The TQM principles of Doing it right the first time and all the time, and Always aim for perfection everytime was good to them. But what i lack of, are tools to measure the result of implementing it.

It is undeniably correct that TQM principles is what makes a WOW customer experience, which for me, is the foundation of Customer Experience Management. The problem now is how would i apply those TQM principles on day-to-day store operation which involves sales and aftersales activities. Tools to measure the project is another problem.

Thank you.

Choi Agrade

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 How can we allign Total Quality Management with Customer Experience(CX) Management?

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