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I'm a New member ,,,

Author fatahalbahar
#1 | Posted: 6 Apr 2008 05:48 
Dear All .
I'm Fatahalrhman Khalil , I'm working with Canar telecommunication in Sudan in Customer service department , i'm very happy to join this community.

Thanks Alots ,,,

Author Abram_gp2002
#2 | Posted: 13 May 2008 11:40 
I am also a new member,
I am having a problem , but i did find any solution / way to solve it.

Author ayaree
#3 | Posted: 13 May 2008 18:28 
Abram, is this the topic you were talking about? Is it in "Product Quality or Dealers Response", posted earlier on today?

I checked online and this product code you mentioned in your posting is a mobile phone. You have been having a couple of questions about this device in the last while and you are now mindful about the fact that a warranty is up for expiration in July, I think, which is around the corner, whether we like it or not. You are worried that the availability of parts on the dealer's side will not come sooner than your warranty expiration date.

Abram, I am not with the company you are talking about (seller or manufacturer) and I am not a PhD on these products and what should be expected under the purchase agreement. Without the expertise that would come with being tied to those organizations, I think you want to point out your warranty expiration date when talking about the components that are coming up as "faulty," and I assume you have already done this when talking with the dealer. What are you hearing when you bring up this concern about warranty expiration? Is there a concern that your being a "gentle user" is something that deserves a lot of discussion? (You're saying the device has "reasonable use" on your part?)

You also ask where a fault lies. Have you brought your concern to the attention of the manufacturer as well as the dealer?

Abram, can I ask you to give that option a try if you have not already done so. I notice that your post says that the topic is closed. This forum is an area for participants to discuss their experiences in customer service as a profession, and not to field inquiries relating to consumer experiences for the various merchandise items in retail (that would have to be a pretty robust site). That could very well be the reason I am seeing "You cannot post a Reply" on your topic. It makes sense to me that you would not necessarily find a response to your topic here, given the nature. All the same, I hope you will find a solution. Your eye on the dates is the way to go, to me.

Author Ian
#4 | Posted: 19 May 2008 04:53 
Hi Ayaree,

Thanks for the help you have given to Abram, and for explaining what our forum is all about. A consumer experience forum would be great, but as you say it would be quite a project! Abram's original post does say "closed", I can only assume that he changed the status because he has (hopefully) found a solution to his problem.

Thanks again for helping out - and for your valued contributions to the CSM forum!

Ian Miller, Editor

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 I'm a New member ,,,

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