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New Aussie gives you - The Critical Moment

Author critical8
#1 | Posted: 10 Nov 2009 23:00 
Hello from downunder all you "adrenalin rushers" who just love living on "Level Four" whether it be in business or in your personal life.

The Critical Moment is simply the first words or first actions ( no, it's not first impressions ) that you take, whether it be to an internal or external customer, your partner, a member of your family, a friend or a stranger in the street.

The Critical Moment creates a sliding door to vastly different outcomes that lead you to the desperation highway or to miracle alley.

My first book is out this week and my website will be live in three weeks.

An National Award winning operator & author I have been an observer of people all my life. The joy of working in International Hotels & for Private owners over 25 years has given me the perspective, comparative analysis, real life stories and solutions to be able to come up with this passionate & interactive strategy & philosophy.

My goal is to set minimum standards at high levels for all behavour. You can email me to get a free return attachment of the four levels of service & behavour which I talk about at my seminars. The first lot of seminars follow the book in the "Cheerleaders or Critics" series.

Keep giving a great welcome & a fond farewell and cheerlead someone today.

Paul Matthew

Author pilvicarman
#2 | Posted: 3 Feb 2010 21:12 
Hi Paul,

Sounds intriguing. As someone who is a keen reader (and erstwhile practitioner) of customer service, good business and selling techniques i would be keen to read what your observations have inspired you to discuss.

Good luck to you.


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 New Aussie gives you - The Critical Moment

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