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New here, retraining my team

Author kmcheetham
#1 | Posted: 15 Jan 2008 00:09 
I was just given a new "team" of employees, most of whom are not customer-centric. We are transitioning into a new era in our store, and we're opening the formerly "closed" sales floor (as in, commission driven, department only type of mindset), to try to encourage a selling community instead of a cashiering community.

I am looking for fresh ideas and tips for ways to train my green team (because, honestly, though they've been with retail a long time, they're fairly green to the CS concept) and really make it stick.

There has been a lot of transition, and they're very wary of management right now, as well as wary of the company themselves. Many are very self-centered when it comes to their sales, thinking of the SPH and commission earned instead of the customer satisfaction level (and they can't seem to grasp the vision that outstanding customer service would lead to increased SPH) ... and I am trying to formulate a plan to begin implementation shortly.

I appreciate any ideas and advice. Thank you in advance!

Author glath
#2 | Posted: 23 Jan 2008 03:37 
Hi km, what a challange! How about including customer satisfaction as an element of the sales commission? It sounds like they are already motivated by the bottom line and this could get them fired up about customers as they are with sales. A quick question to customers on exit or a follow up call/email such as "based on the service you received today, would you recommend this store to a friend?" would be enough. Set a target for the number of "yes" answers and pay a commission/bonus accordingly.

This is an idea only, based on what I think motivates your team. Would be interested to know if works though!!

Good luck.

Author jeanetteramey
#3 | Posted: 25 Jan 2008 07:22 
Hi Kim,

I would agree. Incentive plans work great. The recognition and the reward will give them something to strive for. I also find team building activities great. Although at times they may be corny, I think laughing with co-workers is great medicine.

Good Luck also,

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 New here, retraining my team

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