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New in Switzerland

Author claudia2009
#1 | Posted: 24 Oct 2009 08:27 
Hi I have recently signe up on this forum and hope to meet more international people with whom I can share ideas... CS in Europe is a little more complex than the US as we have to deal with many different cultures ..
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Author KarenSB
#2 | Posted: 27 Oct 2009 04:47 

oh my goodness. let's completely ignore the fact that since inception, the US's borders have been a tsunami of world-wide immigration. we even accept the swiss.

this back-woods, uncomplicated, unsophisticated and idea-free United Statesian country hick needed a good laff. what a great AM coffee break! now, back to my oh-so-vanilla and simple life...

Author smccann
#3 | Posted: 29 Oct 2009 13:48 
Welcome Claudia,
To Karen's point, good c/s is simply good c/s and transcends cultures and language. I work in Los Angeles and in my c/s department (of 18) we speak English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Tagalog, & Armenian; In a pinch I can bring in from other departments Hebrew, Arabic and German and to add to the mix in my department we come from 7 different countries, so even when you do speak the same language, frequently you are not on the same page. Throw in a variety of education and socioeconomic levels and what one considers to be good customer service to another may sound abrupt and curt. To circumvent this we have divided our group into work groups of 5-6 and have weekly training meetings on a wide variety of subjects to specific words and phrases to use, accurate stock and shipping quotes, as well as basic knowledge of the products we offer. The suggestions of what to cover in these meetings comes from customer service reps, various other departments, or management. The team leaders then email or meet with me for further discussion and then I email or meet with upper management to discuss the outcome of these meetings. This has been very successful for us to get the much needed information from the trenches to upper management and to facilitate good communication between the various departments, eliminating the silos that each department tends to operate in. I hope this helps ... bottom line regardless of language or background we all like to be treated well and with respect.

Author claudia2009
#4 | Posted: 4 Nov 2009 02:20 
Thanks for your reply. and some great ideas!
Of course the US is also multinational cultures... not always easy to manage.

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 New in Switzerland

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