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Author andyking
#1 | Posted: 27 Aug 2009 14:39 
Hi all

I'm new to the forum but have been working to improve customer service for a number of years. In my opinion a lot customer service issues could be resolved simply by introducing an element of common sense into the way some contact centres work. For example, when recruiting for the customer service email section, introduce an apitude test to ensure potential advisors have the ability to construct a written response without basic grammatical errors. A lot of centres blanket recruit for advisors, particularly leading up to peak trading times and just allocate new starters where there's shortages on the floor. Talking to customers on the telephone is a completely different kettle of fish to replying to an enquiry via email. I'd be interested in your views or experiences where simple common sense has or could make a big difference to customer service?

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 New UK member

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