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Who's Who Customer Service Manager Forum / Who's Who /  

Tim Peters from IntelliResponse (Virtual Agent Solutions).

Author timpeters
#1 | Posted: 30 May 2013 12:59Reply Quote  
Hi Everyone,
My name is Tim Peters. I am Head of Digital Strategy at IntelliResponse. We are a provider of Virtual Agent solutions (think 'Siri' and online customer self service).
You can follow me on twitter at http://www.twitter.com/timothypeters - and the official IntelliResponse account ishttp://www.twitter.com/intelliresponse.

I am happy to have come across this forum, and look forward to being an active participant.

Here is some additional information on IntelliResponse:

IntelliResponse provides virtual agent technology solutions for the enterprise. We create profitable online conversations for our private and public sector customers around the world. Our patented Virtual Agent solutions transform corporate websites, mobile applications, social media channels and agent desktops into world class self-service platforms.

Using IntelliResponse, consumers can ask questions using natural language and get instant, accurate answers as well as targeted offers that lead them down the purchase path and improve conversion. What's more, key voice of the customer insights are captured in natural language, allowing companies to build highly detailed customer profiles over time. For more information about IntelliResponse, visit http://www.intelliresponse.com

Who's Who Customer Service Manager Forum / Who's Who /
 Tim Peters from IntelliResponse (Virtual Agent Solutions).

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