When it comes to managing environmental, health, and safety (EHS) risks at a facility or company, you have two options: build your own EHS software system from scratch or buy an off-the-shelf solution.
Many companies choose the latter option because they want a complete system that covers all of their bases instead of creating one from start to finish on their own. Here are some of the reasons we believe that Off the Shelf solutions are better for some businesses.
Instant Access
Get your EHS software up and running in an instant with off-the-shelf safety management systems. With off-the-shelf (OTS) solutions, you can have it up and running instantly without having to make significant investments of time or money for system development before implementation is possible.
Easily get Started
OTS makes getting started quick & easy by providing ready-made modules that are customizable according to needs on a per-client basis which reduces costs significantly compared to custom-built options available elsewhere where each solution has been explicitly tailored around one organization’s requirements resulting in high cost implications at every point along the way.
Suitable for Most Companies
It enables companies large & small alike to access benefits such as improved operational control through greater visibility into their environmental performance across all locations, streamlined compliance processes, including better reporting capabilities.
More Cost-Effective
When it comes to ehs software pricing, many companies invest in off-the-shelf EHS software to reduce their long-term expenses. While you pay more for it initially, it is definitely more cost-effective in the long run.
Makes Training Easy
The manufacturer usually provides training and support for EHS software as part of licensing. OTS (Off The Shelf) programs are those that can be used immediately, without additional development or customization; they may require some learning time to adapt them to your specific needs, but no special training will be required after this initial period has passed.
On the other hand, Customized systems need a team specially dedicated towards their use which you must employ in-house – these represent more complex solutions since each system developed from scratch is unique and requires extensive testing before it becomes fully functional.
Inclusive Updates
Custom EHS software updates must be developed in-house. Off-the-shelf options such as the ones offered by Capptions offer updates included with the purchase of EHS software.
Economy of Scale
The software economy of scale is a way to save time and money as your business grows. Customized programs take more work because they have been customized for specific needs, whereas with off-the-shelf options, you can grow with it from the start.
EHS Software Features
Customized software is an excellent choice for companies because it has all the features you need, but developing new ones over time may be more timely than building them from scratch.
However, off-the-shelf options are also excellent choices since they’re easily accessible and likely to fit your company’s unique needs perfectly; however, there can sometimes be a lack of exact fits compared to custom development.