A new study by Genesys reveals that people of all ages are open to artificial intelligence provided it enhances their customer service experiences.
The study explores the varying attitudes towards AI across different age groups, highlighting varying levels of enthusiasm yet a shared recognition of its possible advantages for improving customer interactions.
Key Findings
- Majority of consumers (72%) are open to interacting with AI-powered chatbots if they can quickly resolve issues, with half believing virtual agents will be widely accepted for customer service by 2030.
- Younger generations, particularly Generation Z, are more accepting of interacting with AI in the future, with 73% of Gen Z respondents agreeing.
- Despite high awareness of generative AI (90%), a majority of people (76%) have limited knowledge about its capabilities, including 58% of Gen Z and 66% of millennials.
- Consumer sentiments towards AI are mixed, with 40% expressing concerns while the remaining 60% are either unworried or believe fears are exaggerated.
- Consumers appreciate the speed and accessibility benefits AI brings to customer experiences, with 82% valuing quicker issue resolution and 81% favoring 24/7 customer service access.
- Consumers prefer AI to enable human agents rather than replace them entirely, with 80% desiring transparency in interactions and 70% comfortable with AI-assisted human agents.
- Consumer expectations include around-the-clock access to customer service bots that can schedule callbacks with live agents during business hours.
About the Research
Genesys conducted this research using an online survey prepared by Method Research and distributed by RepData among 1,000 adults (age 18-plus) in the United States. The sample was equally split between genders, with a spread of age groups and geographies represented. Data was collected from October 31 to November 6, 2023.