The pursuit of boosting customer experience and service should be an ongoing one. This means even if your site has a good record with customer experience, there is always a chance that improvements can be made. Taking several online customer surveys and feedbacks into account, the following are rated to be among the most effective ways for improving customer experience.
Decrease Page Loading Speeds
Websites that take a long time to load pages are sites that lose out on business and reputation simultaneously. Unless you have a very strong customer base already, people are not going to wait for the pages to load any longer than a few seconds. In fact, you will start to lose your strong customer base too, unless you take the necessary steps to keep your page loading speeds as low as possible.
Since a webmaster is not likely to opt for slow page loading speeds by choice, this is often a problem that creeps up on the site over time. The admin must pay attention towards the following to keep page loading speeds low.
- Media on landing pages in particular should be compressed and optimised to facilitate faster loading speeds.
- The site should have automatic caching enabled on the host’s end to reduce load times.
- Browser caching will cache data on each user’s browser to reduce subsequent loading times, as they browse through the site.
- Allocated resources from the host’s end should match and preferably exceed what the website needs to handle its maximum expected traffic.
- Avoid shared hosting because sharing of allocated resources will slow your website down to a crawl during business hours.
- Enable asynchronous loading of multiple files simultaneously.
- Decrease the number of plugins being used simultaneously to a bare minimum.
- Minify to clean up and shorten your site’s page codes (CSS, HTML, JavaScript, etc.).
Offer a Wider Range of Options for Payment
The wider your payment options are, the higher your chances of making a sale. For example, more websites are starting to accept cryptocurrencies nowadays than before, but it’s still not as readily offered by online businesses as it perhaps could be. Take advantage of that and attract more customers to your site by offering them the option to pay with major cryptocurrencies such as Ether or BTC. If you would rather just have cash instead, you can always convert your cryptocurrency payments into cash at OKX.com.
Decrease Customer Service Response Time
Set up automated messages that immediately confirm to the customer with a ticket that the site has received their complaint. However, the human follow-up should also be quick enough for that message to be of any use. Offer your customers the option to contact customer service via chat if they wish for faster responses during work hours.
Do make sure that your CS teams don’t only answer once a day, which is often what happens with small online businesses. It’s a good way to lose customers and earn a bad reputation for poor customer service. All issues should be resolved as soon as possible, if possible.