Ian Miller shares some tips on how to excel at customer service management.

Is Customer Service the New Marketing?

The line between customer service and marketing is becoming blurred, as some companies are counting customer service in their marketing budget.

Top 10 CRM Tips

Many companies rush headlong into CRM without plan. Here are 10 tips to help you plan a successful CRM implementation.

Do You Know Who Your Customers Are?

Who are your customers? Do you know what they want? Do you know what they think about you and your products and services? If you don’t, you have some work to do.

3 Big Customer Service Tips

Avoid being complacent with these useful tips by Kristina Evey.

Service levels in call centers are at an all time low. Dawn Pici offers some tips to boost your call center customer service.

Ten Ways to Deliver Amazing Customer Service

Some ideas, strategies and tactics to help you deliver amazing customer service.

Put Your Customer’s Shoes On!

Take a fresh look at the service you provide by examining your organization from the customer’s perspective.

How to Handle Irate Internal Customers

Your co-workers and boss are your customers, and you must treat them as such.

Five Steps to Customer Service Improvement

If you are striving to compete or even become the market leader, these customer service tips will help you make the necessary improvements.

The Four C’s of Customer Service

In this multichannel world, it’s important to make sure your customers understand how important they are.

Nine New Year Resolutions for Great Customer Service

Richard McCrossan, Strategic Business Director at Genesys shares his list of New Year Resolutions.

What Are the Core Values of Customer Service?

Take a look at how the customer experience is affected by an organization’s core values.

How to Create Legendary Customer Service

Some lessons on how to create legendary and memorable customer service.

Top Technology Trends in Customer Service

For organizations keen to prioritize their customer service technology activities, these should be the key areas of focus.

Tomorrow’s Not-So-Big ‘Big Box’

Retailers continue to shrink physically and grow virtually. It’s a trend that promises many more unhappy returns this Holiday Season, and beyond. Here are three rules to ensure customers experience happy holiday shopping.

To help customer service teams improve conversations, Chris Bijou has developed a list of 10 traits possessed by the best customer service representatives.

3 Steps to a Great Customer Service Experience

Read about some of the difficulties faced when providing excellent service—and how to overcome them.

Customer Service: Why You Should Think Long Term

What we do today has a long-term effect for both the customer and our company.