Do you know the one thing that can make or break your business faster than anything else? If you said Customer Service – give yourself a prize.
The future of customer service is here. Technology has made seeking out support faster and easier than ever. But, has your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name of automation?
If you have tried repeatedly to get a focus on customers, customer loyalty and customer profitability inside your organization with less than stellar results, you’re far from alone.
Unhappy customers who receive satisfaction can become your biggest allies. Learn how to deal with disgruntled customers in this article.
Learn how to see past the smiles and polish to truly know this employee will perform well as a CSR.
Customer service often means dealing with angry, frustrated, or rude customers. Let’s examine the specific steps of the Five-Step Process for handling these customers.
Most companies think they are customer centric. After all, don’t companies hire nice people, and provide them some training? So what’s the problem?
Despite all the proclamations, catchy advertising slogans, and customer service publicity, service levels have improved only marginally in the last few years. Learn more about the blocks to customer focus.
Actively pursuing Voice of the Customer feedback generates genuine business intelligence. Read on to learn how to amplify the voice of the customer.
When was the last time you had to deal with a difficult customer? It was probably an external customer but perhaps it was an internal customer, such as a member of your team, a colleague or even – your boss!
Standards have gone up – and 90% customer satisfaction simply isn’t enough any more. You have to go far beyond simple satisfaction to build follow-up and referral business, and profitability.
You work extremely hard to attract customers for your business. Once you have them, managing your customer contacts can help you keep them from jumping to competitors.
How can you ensure your ‘tracking service’ is on? Keep communication open to always hear your customers. Don’t just send messages; encourage theirs, as well. Learn more in this article.
Great service means much, much more than meeting a minimal standard. It means doing extraordinary and sometimes outrageous things on behalf of your customers or clients.
Whatever kind of customer service you offer – whether big or small, expensive or cheap, large-scale or small – do it with style.
If you want to be number one in customer service, you have to do a number of things that make you stand out from the crowd. Here are 7 ways that will put you on top.
It is now widely believed that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between a loyal employee and a loyal customer.
If I was thinking of buying stocks and shares in a company – or more importantly buying products from them – I would try to find out how good they are at dealing with customer complaints.
Call it regimented thinking. Call it the-way-we-have-always-done-it. But by any name, there are actions and practices that far too many businesses engage in that can unknowingly drive customers away.