12 Ideas for Customer Service Training

Providing customer service training for your staff is an important part of your organization’s quest to deliver outstanding service. Here are twelve ideas you can incorporate into your training methods.

How to Handle Difficult Customer Conversations

Trouble can come from any direction. A delayed product shipment causes a customer to miss a deadline. A salesperson (maybe even you!) promises more than your company could deliver.

7 Tips for Customer Service Managers

Leonard Buchholz shares his top 7 tips for customer service management.

The Truth About Really Great Customer Service

If we satisfy that need in others by communicating on a human level as well as a business level, then all our interactions will be much more productive.

What Words are Music to the Ears of Your Customers

In this article we will take a look at the power of words to create trust, allegiance and commitment in our customers and clients.

Respecting your client’s communication preferences is not just a courtesy, it’s good business. It’s not about you; it’s about your client.

Focusing on Customer Service Consistency

This article explains the role of consistency in boosting customer retention and satisfaction.

What Is Customer Service?

Customer service is not customer satisfaction as reported by customer satisfaction surveys.

What Exactly is Customer Service?

From a practical prospective, customer service is the activity of satisfying customer needs. From an emotional one it’s much more than that – customer service is caring for customers and treating them with respect.

10 Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

We all know, deep down, that customer relationships should never be left to chance. So now is the time to seize that moment! Here are ten simple improvements that you can get started on today.

Hire For Attitude Customer Service

Six Do’s and Dont’s for hiring customer friendly, productive employees.

Improving Communications with Customers or Clients

One of our most important skills, both personally and professionally, is our ability to communicate.

What Is More Important Than Customer Loyalty?

When are 20 Dollars and a store manager’s ego more important than a decade of loyalty from a customer?

Ed Sykes reveals his customer service secrets for winning back customers, increasing customer satisfaction, and increasing your bottom line.

A New Spin on Mystery Shopping

In today’s fast-changing and competitive environment, excellent customer service is essential for success. Here’s how to keep your customers – for life!

Build Stronger Relationships with Customer Issues

The well-known Russian Playwright Anton Checkhov once wrote “Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice”. Nothing could be truer when it comes to achieving efficiency in customer management.

Oh No, I Don’t Want to Be a CSR Anymore!

Cumbersome systems can push your CSR’s over the edge when it comes to good service.

What To Do When a Customer is Angry

How to set our goal at seeking resolution versus arguing or trying to defend ourselves when dealing with disgruntled clients.

Become a Customer Service Raving Fan!

If you want your customers to be raving fans of your business, you must first be raving fans of your customers.