Start providing unique solutions to your clients, and they’ll become your most vocal referral agents.

Customer Satisfaction Is Your Business

Regardless of what business you are in – you are really in the business of satisfying customers. The degree of customer satisfaction you deliver determines the level of long-term success you will achieve in business.

Delivering Great Customer Service

The goal for delivering great customer service starts with delivering a service-oriented attitude that is genuine.

7 Ways of Getting Your Customers to Say ‘Wow’!

Just imagine. You have walked out of a shop or put down the phone after purchasing something and your immediate reaction is “Wow!” Wouldn’t it be great if you could get your customers to feel the same way about dealing with you?

The basic concept of business-to-business CRM is often described as allowing the larger business to be as responsive to the needs of its customer as a small business. In this detailed, step by step plan, John Coldwell shows how businesses large and small can identify those needs.

Do you need to know how to measure you call center’s performance? Here are ten top tips that could help you.

You Made a Mistake, Now I am Your Biggest Fan

People are telling stories about you and your business. What kind of stories are they telling? View every customer problem as an opportunity to produce a cheerleader for your business. Turn your potential nightmare into a great story. Do the right thing.

Quality Customer Service – A Philosophical View

Consistently giving quality service to your customers can help you bring value and meaning to your life. It will even bring you happiness, fulfilment, joy and success. Sounds too good to be true? Read on.

Keeping Your Cool When the Customer Gets Hot

A day in the life of a customer service professional can be filled with joy and satisfaction or it can be frustrating and stressful. When things go wrong, some people lose control.

Customer Service Is King

Do you know the one thing that can make or break your business faster than anything else? If you said Customer Service – give yourself a prize.

Putting The “Service” Back In “Customer Service”

The future of customer service is here. Technology has made seeking out support faster and easier than ever. But, has your digital age company sacrificed true service in the name of automation?

If you have tried repeatedly to get a focus on customers, customer loyalty and customer profitability inside your organization with less than stellar results, you’re far from alone.

Dealing with Disgruntled Customers

Unhappy customers who receive satisfaction can become your biggest allies. Learn how to deal with disgruntled customers in this article.

Hiring Customer Service Representatives that are a Perfect Fit

Learn how to see past the smiles and polish to truly know this employee will perform well as a CSR.

Customer service often means dealing with angry, frustrated, or rude customers. Let’s examine the specific steps of the Five-Step Process for handling these customers.

Are You a Customer Centric Organization?

Most companies think they are customer centric. After all, don’t companies hire nice people, and provide them some training? So what’s the problem?

Blocks to Customer Focus

Despite all the proclamations, catchy advertising slogans, and customer service publicity, service levels have improved only marginally in the last few years. Learn more about the blocks to customer focus.

How to Amplify the Voice of the Customer

Actively pursuing Voice of the Customer feedback generates genuine business intelligence. Read on to learn how to amplify the voice of the customer.

Action Ideas to Deal with Difficult Customers

When was the last time you had to deal with a difficult customer? It was probably an external customer but perhaps it was an internal customer, such as a member of your team, a colleague or even – your boss!