Customer Satisfaction Isn’t Enough Any More

Standards have gone up – and 90% customer satisfaction simply isn’t enough any more. You have to go far beyond simple satisfaction to build follow-up and referral business, and profitability.

Managing Customer Contacts

You work extremely hard to attract customers for your business. Once you have them, managing your customer contacts can help you keep them from jumping to competitors.

Are You Hearing Your Customers?

How can you ensure your ‘tracking service’ is on? Keep communication open to always hear your customers. Don’t just send messages; encourage theirs, as well. Learn more in this article.

Great Service Means Being Extraordinary

Great service means much, much more than meeting a minimal standard. It means doing extraordinary and sometimes outrageous things on behalf of your customers or clients.

What’s your Customer Service Style?

Whatever kind of customer service you offer – whether big or small, expensive or cheap, large-scale or small – do it with style.

The Unbeatable Laws Of Customer Service

If you want to be number one in customer service, you have to do a number of things that make you stand out from the crowd. Here are 7 ways that will put you on top.

Customer Loyalty Linked to Employee Satisfaction

It is now widely believed that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between a loyal employee and a loyal customer.

Thank Goodness for Customer Complaints

If I was thinking of buying stocks and shares in a company – or more importantly buying products from them – I would try to find out how good they are at dealing with customer complaints.

Sure Fire Ways To Drive Customers Away!

Call it regimented thinking. Call it the-way-we-have-always-done-it. But by any name, there are actions and practices that far too many businesses engage in that can unknowingly drive customers away.

Building Loyal Customers, from Contact to Delivery

Getting customers to trust your firm is the name of the game. In fact, after money and desire, all purchases are about trust.

Making Customers Feel Important

Customers are people first. This means that each of your Customers, like everyone else, wants to feel important.

How to ‘Revolutionize’ Your Customer Service

There’s much written and spoken about customer care, customer service, even customer delight. But what does it all mean? Here are seven tips to help you look at your business and identify where you can “revolutionize” your customer service.

Raising the Profile of Customer Care

Disappointingly, customer care departments are often poorly resourced and under valued in the corporate hierarchy, rather than seen as an opportunity to get closer to customers.

Four Ways to Motivate Customer Service Professionals

These Four motivation strategies can help your organization succeed – one professional at a time.

Perfect Customer Service: Bigger is Not Always Better

Why a bigger customer service department could be the last thing you need.

Bringing True Customer Focus in to Reality

In spite of all the catchy slogans and corporate pledges, customer service levels of major corporations have only slightly improved in the last few years. This is because they ate consumed by task-focus.

Service Encounters of the Third Kind

One step you can take is to explore your customers’ future needs and interests through cultivating “Service Encounters of The Third Kind”.

5 Tips for Curing Bad Customer Service

Bad customer service is everywhere these days. Unmanned front desks, surly servers, clueless staff, employees talking on the phone, and managers who refuse to acknowledge a customer. Read on for 5 tips for curing bad service.

First Contact: The Source of Customer Loyalty

With customers being smarter, more cost conscious, more product knowledgeable and more demanding, improving customer service has become a major focus within many businesses.