Thirteen Boosts FM Services With Bigchange Mobile Cloud Tech thumbnail

Thirteen is transforming its facilities management (FM) services with new mobile workforce management technology supplied by Leeds-based BigChange..

5 Habits of Exceptional Customer Service Managers

5 Habits of Exceptional Customer Service Managers thumbnail

Customer service skills may be similar from job to job, but managers with these 5 habits excel at motivating, communicating and coaching their teams..

3 Ways to Embrace the Evolving World of Remote Work

3 Ways to Embrace the Evolving World of Remote Work thumbnail

Magnus Geverts of Calabrio shows how to drive workforce flexibility, enhance customer experience and employee satisfaction using modern workforce engagement management (WEM) solutions..

5 Ways Live Chat Can Help Your Business—and How to Find the Best Software thumbnail

Here are some of the key benefits of implementing live chat as well as some tips on how to choose the best software for your organization..

Customer Service and Experience Summit 2020 – Free Pass thumbnail

Join 25+ industry leading speakers, ranging from across the customer service, experience, care and support communities at this free virtual event..

Five Essential Tools for Better Customer Service

Five Essential Tools for Better Customer Service thumbnail

Customer service tools not only make it easier for you to reach out to your clients, but they also help to analyze and manage customer data to make informed business decisions..

AI to the Rescue: First Aid for Busy Contact Centres in Local Government thumbnail

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) really deflect calls away from the contact centre? Henry Jinman of EBI.AI outlines 7 reasons why conversational AI holds the answer..

5 Reasons to Implement Integrated Email Ticketing in Contact Centres thumbnail

Jamie MacSween of Puzzel shares his thoughts on why email is important in contact centres and how to use automated ticketing to resolve a sharp influx of customer enquiries..

New Contact Tracing Technology Helps Businesses Avoid Interruption Due to COVID-19 thumbnail

Utilizing Bluetooth Tracing Technology, Contact Harald is giving businesses a new way to keep their employees and customers protected with one simple proximity tracking card..

Voice of the Customer: The Importance of Feedback Surveys thumbnail

Monitoring the Voice of the Customer (VoC) should be one of the ongoing projects in any service program. One way to achieve this is to perform a customer feedback survey..

Why a Go to Market Strategy Is Important for Every Business thumbnail

Alon Ghelber, Chief Marketing Officer at Revuze reveals why the more customer engagement you have the more likely your customers will shop with you in the long run..

Boring Customer Service—Is That What Customers Want? thumbnail

Call me boring, but I want the same thing every time—at least when it comes to customer experience. I want it to be good. I want it to be consistent..

Revuze Launches a New Product Listing Optimization Tool For Marketplace Rankings thumbnail

Revuze has created an innovative solution to acing marketing research using AI technology to analyze product listings and track customer reactions..

Are Happy Agents the Secret to Happy Customers?

Are Happy Agents the Secret to Happy Customers? thumbnail

Mads Fosselius, Founder and CEO of Dixa explains how to create an environment where customer service agents feel empowered to do their best work..

3 COVID-19 Marketing Campaigns That Were Perceived as Positive thumbnail

As COVID-19 swept through the globe brands and marketing agencies scrambled to adapt or clean sweep whole new campaigns as current ones became obsolete..

5 Indispensable Skills for Customer Service Reps

5 Indispensable Skills for Customer Service Reps thumbnail

When it comes to providing the best possible service to your customers, the people you hire make all the difference. Here are five basic skills your CSRs cannot be without..

How Haulage and Delivery Drivers Have Helped During COVID-19 thumbnail

A good driver has the communication and customer care skills to maintain a professional and friendly manner in their day to day role, as well as acting as a human connection..

Remote Onboarding – 5 Steps to Success

Remote Onboarding – 5 Steps to Success thumbnail

Thomas Rødseth of Puzzel and John Bhairoo of Black & White Recruitment share a five-point plan for successful remote onboarding of call centre staff..

To Improve Customer Experience Financial Services Firms Must Make Agent Retention a Priority thumbnail

The sudden need to enable remote working has impacted all companies and operations, and customer service is no different. Jonathan Mobbs of Maintel explains..