3 Winning Strategies for Effective Employee Engagement

3 Winning Strategies for Effective Employee Engagement thumbnail

As contact centres evolve as a result of COVID-19, Thomas Rødseth, Chief Technical Officer at Puzzel says now is a critical time to keep frontline staff safe and motivated..

Customer Service on the Utility Sector Frontline During COVID-19 thumbnail

Dan Rhodes, Head of Customer Service at Morrison Utility Services reports on the impact of the pandemic and outlines the organisation’s ‘Every Customer Counts’ program..

Customer Service in the Digital Age

Customer Service in the Digital Age thumbnail

Emergent technologies have forever changed traditional customer service support. In this in-depth article, Reina G. Wiatt and Jolene A. Lampton look at the state of customer service in the digital age..

NICE Launches Trial Version of its Next-Gen Robotic Automation Design Studio thumbnail

NICE today announced the availability of a trial version for its next-generation Automation Studio, expediting enterprise adaption to remote business operations..

3 Reasons Why IVR Payments Still Matter

3 Reasons Why IVR Payments Still Matter thumbnail

Rob Crutchington explores the vital role of IVR to deliver fast, secure card payments that boost agent performance and customer confidence..

5 Reasons Why Customer Service Is So Important for Online Businesses thumbnail

If you are running an online business, you need to make sure that you are offering the highest levels of customer service possible. Here are 5 tips to keep you focused..

8 Live Chat Tips to Use It Most Effectively (and How to Choose One) thumbnail

Live chat is now one of the components of virtually any customer support toolset and used by businesses as one of the active customer communication channels…

UK and Ireland’s Membership CRM Specialist Delivers a Class Act thumbnail

Silverbear will deliver CRM infrastructure platform built on Microsoft Dynamics that can be scaled in line with the regulatory body’s growth..

How Positive Customer Reviews Can Help Grow Your Business thumbnail

Ben Bendall, SEO specialist at Reassured explains how positive customer reviews can help companies grow their digital presence ⁠⁠and business..

Study Shows Video Conferencing Could Be the Key to Solving Workplace Anxiety thumbnail

A nationwide study observed the attitude amongst the UK workforce towards remote working and the increased use of video conferencing tools..

Europa Contact Centre Appoints Head of Sales to Drive Growth thumbnail

Europa Contact Centre has appointed John Cole as Head of Sales in its first major appointment since the business came into being last year..

AirDroid Business Introduces Remote Support for Business to Empower Customer Service Teams thumbnail

Sand Studio have released an AR camera, screen sharing and real-time voice chat in one app to make remote support easier than ever..

Contact Centre Outsourcing – Time to Take a Closer Look thumbnail

Matthew Sims, Director of 4T4 Consult, the first influencer to join Puzzel’s new partner programme, shares the top challenges when outsourcing your contact centre..

Home Is Where the Heart of CX Is

Home Is Where the Heart of CX Is thumbnail

Antony Jagger, Manager, Customer Solutions, Aptean, looks at some of the challenges associated with mobilising customer services teams in the financial services sector..

Customer Service After COVID-19: The Choice Is Yours thumbnail

How you treat your customers during the COVID pandemic will set the stage for the future. Bryan Horn looks at the way forward after the crisis..

The 9 Best Ways to Win Back an Upset Customer

The 9 Best Ways to Win Back an Upset Customer thumbnail

Many service providers have lost sight of what really matters. Steve DiGioia reveals his best strategies for winning back upset customers..

Don’t Let Your Customers Fall in the Expected Experiences Gap thumbnail

Shep Hyken gives his latest view on the gap between the best customer service performers and most companies today..

Free Webinar: Increasing Customer Engagement to Reduce Resolution Times thumbnail

Join the next free Reuters Events webinar to hear how real-world customer service leaders are using innovative and efficient strategies to boost customer engagement..

Capital City College Group Adopts Puzzel for Multi-Brand Contact Centre thumbnail

Capital City College Group has successfully implemented Puzzel’s omni-channel customer service solution including the latest AI-powered Agent Assist technology..