5 Questions to Ask Before Putting AI into Practice and a Checklist for Success thumbnail

Despite the power of artificial intelligence to transform the customer experience, many AI projects fail at the first hurdle. Henry Jinman at EBI.AI outlines the 5 most common mistakes..

Utilita Deploys Thoughtonomy Digital Workers to Enhance Customer Service thumbnail

Utilita has recruited a digital ‘workforce’ to relieve their human counterparts of laborious, time-consuming tasks and make the business more efficient..

Workbooks CRM Study: More Than Half of Small and Medium Businesses Have Changed CRM Supplier thumbnail

More than half of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UK have changed CRM supplier according to the State of the CRM Market 2019 Report from Workbooks..

Uberizing the Utilities Sector in the Fourth Industrial Revolution thumbnail

Louise Robertson, Global Marketing Director at Localz, examines the impact of the ‘IConomy’ on the customer experience..

Bring the Skills of the Theatre to Your Face-to-face Customer Service Training thumbnail

To deliver the best Face-to-Face service you must think like a customer. Put yourself in their shoes and consider how you would feel being served by you..

A 5-Point Plan for the New Era of Customer Experience Intelligence thumbnail

Welcome to the new era of customer experience intelligence where the very best of human talents and activities combine with contextual, predictive customer analytics..

Leading housebuilder Redrow was awarded the highly coveted Social Customer Service Team of the Year title at the 2019 UKCCF Awards. The annual awards, held by the UK Contact Centre Forum (UKCCF), aim to recognise individuals, teams and company best practice amongst the 6,000+ contact centres based across the UK, rewarding innovation, teamwork, employee engagement, [...]

Blending the Best of Clicks and Bricks to Stop Customer Churn thumbnail

Retailers are now recognizing the importance of business outcomes and delivering outstanding customer experience. Dr John Bates, CEO at Eggplant explains..

AI Tips From BT, HSBC, Google, Deutsche Telecom and More

Ever wondered how you can use AI to improve engagement and satisfaction? Or maybe you’d love to gain more insights into your customers’ behavior? Learn more..

How Utilities Can Use Digital Communication to Fix a Fractured CX thumbnail

When it comes to providing a seamless customer experience, the best place to start is with communications..

Working in Partnership to Deliver Enhanced Customer Service

Working in Partnership to Deliver Enhanced Customer Service thumbnail

In the final blog of the series, Samantha Saunders hands over to Rob Stefanovic to share an example of how cooperation between partners can help build trust and recognition..

B2B customer support software provider cites company growth driven by year-over-year increases in multi-year customer agreements and larger deal values..

Axis Group has successfully achieved the ServiceMark Accreditation from The Institute of Customer Service..

Company-Wide Commitment Is Needed to Lead Customer Service Innovation thumbnail

Continuing with our special Customer Service Week series, OmniServ’s Samantha Saunders argues that to lead customer service innovation, you need commitment across the board..

Recognizing Great Staff Performance Is Key to Improving Service Quality thumbnail

The third post in our Customer Service Week series by Samantha Saunders examines the importance of employee engagement and recognition..

Deliver Better Customer Service by Breaking Down Internal Barriers thumbnail

In the second of a special Customer Service Week series, Samantha Saunders explores how cross-training staff improves morale, attitude and service delivery..

Delivering Quality Customer Service to Disabled Passengers

Delivering Quality Customer Service to Disabled Passengers thumbnail

Samantha Saunders, Head of Innovation & Regulatory Compliance at OmniServ shares the first of five special insights for Customer Service Week..

AI in Ecommerce: Personalization and Beyond

AI in Ecommerce: Personalization and Beyond thumbnail

Kate Pioryshkina, Sales Manager at Iflexion takes a close look at how AI is transforming the ecommerce customer experience..

How Call Center Outsourcing Can Save You Time and Cost

How Call Center Outsourcing Can Save You Time and Cost thumbnail

As more companies look for ways of lowering costs and increasing productivity, David Miller looks at some of the benefits of outsourcing your call center operation..