4 Words You Should Never Hear in Customer Service

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It happens all of the time. A customer makes some kind of special request. It’s not that it is all that special. It’s just not the norm. And, the first response from the employee is, “We can’t do that.”

10 Principles of a Successful Customer Strategy

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Based on a recent global survey and interviews with key industry players, these 10 principles show how companies can position themselves for future customer success..

12 Steps to Handle Customer Complaints

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No business likes to get complaints. However, we have to accept the fact that complaints will happen. Here’s a step by step guide to handling them well..

Failing to provide satisfactory customer service is becoming an increasingly costly mistake for businesses..

The Financial Imperative of Best in Class Service

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Creating self-improving customer service operations that drive long-term revenue through customer retention and repeat business..

5 Habits of Highly Customer Focused Companies

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In the quest to improve customer experience and loyalty, it’s helpful to consider the ‘cultural habits’ of successful service organizations..

Customer Service: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Customer Service: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly thumbnail

A compilation of all-time favourite instances of good, bad and ugly customer service to help you learn the dos, and don’ts..

CEM in Telecoms Global Summit Launches 2017 Agenda

CX network in partnership with Telecoms IQ are extremely excited to announce that the agenda for CEM in Telecoms Global Summit 2017 is now available to download!

In the rapidly-evolving world of digital marketing the job itself has undergone a dramatic transformation from pre-digital days..

For the most part, government has no competition. Have a great idea and need a patent? You’ll need to submit it to the U.S. Patent & Trade Office. Remodeling your home? You’ll need a permit from your city’s zoning office. And if you’re negotiating late fees for your federal taxes, you’ll be talking with the [...]

Contact Centre Week Europe Launches in 2017

After more than a decade as the USA’s leading customer service and contact event, CCW (Customer Contact Week) is coming to Europe in 2017 for the first time ever. Now Europe will be able to experience CCW, the main destination where customer care, service and experience professionals unite to learn, be inspired and make long [...]

Why Customer Loyalty Should Not Be Your Goal

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Loyalty has become a goal of many businesses. However, it is important that we define our goals correctly since they represent where and how we will direct our efforts..

Customer Service that Gives Food for Thought

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If you’ve ever had the pleasure of dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant, then you will know that customer service is a major part of the experience. Here’s how it’s done..

How to Increase Customer Referrals Today

Read on for some tips to increase your rate of customer referrals today..

How to Move from Customer Service to Customer Experience thumbnail

Companies that truly want to grow need to focus on improving their relationships with customers and providing an experience that will get customers talking..

3 Little Words That Can Lose a Customer

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Are you rewarding your team only for speedy transactions, or are they also being rewarded for building relationships? Learn how the little things you say or don’t say can either help you keep or lose a customer..

The 20/5 Rule of Customer Service

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On average, when people are asked to share their experiences, we find they share 20 negative experiences vs. 5 awesome experiences – this is the 20/5 rule of customer service..

Six Reasons Live Chat Keeps Customers Engagedlive

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George Skaff, CMO of TouchCommerce provides six reasons live chat benefits brands by keeping digital consumers satisfied..

When working in sales, training is important and should be something that is implemented regularly..