Many people globally use contact lenses. If you’re among these people, are you happy using your contacts or keeping your glasses on? Read on to learn how today’s customers are looking for an alternative solution.
Some people don’t mind using contacts or wearing glasses. However, if you feel irritated by them, this is entirely understandable; having to put on your contact lenses every day is tiring. However, you need to read, drive safely and be ready to accomplish your everyday activities. What if you found an alternative that can offer you a solution for your eye problems so that you can stop wearing the contact lenses? LASIK or PRK eye surgery could be your solution.
Whether you are farsighted, short-sighted, or astigmatic, this may be your option. Many people believe there are multiple advantages of this type of eye surgery. Read on this article to understand the difference between PRK and LASIK eye surgery and their merits.
Difference between PRK and LASIK
Whenever you’re thinking of getting rid of your glasses or contact lenses, it is vital to research the advantages and disadvantages between these two options so that you can decide on the type that works best for you. Both these options can be used for treating refractive issues in vision. Hence essential to learn about PRK vs LASIK. You need to be aware of the differences based on the technique and the cost of these two options.
The estimated cost of LASIK eye surgery in 2021 is about $2,200 to $3,200 per eye, and for both eyes, this can total about $ 4,400 to $6,400. This is according to the research done on the cost of LASIK in the US. The average amount one can pay for PRK as of 2021 is $1,800 to $2,800 for each eye. For both, this amounts to &3,600 to $5,600. However, the LASIK cost can be several hundreds of dollars more for each eye compared to the PRK. Note that this amount can change depending on your geographical location and eye doctor. Always consult with different eye centers and compare the prices.
Techniques (PRK vs. LASIK)
LASIK and PRK are outpatient procedures involving spending almost an hour at the eye surgery center. For both, the eye doctor will start by putting anesthetic eye drops in your eye and then use the eye speculum to hold your eyelids open when the surgery is happening.
PRK involves getting rid of the outer layer of your cornea, but LASIK does not. In the PRK, the eye doctor will remove the epithelium’s outer layer to reshape the cornea. Then the outer layer of the cornea will grow back once the surgery is complete. The doctor will lay a soft contact lens that acts as a bandage when your eyes are healing.
The technique involves creating a flap for LASIK eye surgery, but PRK does not. The eye specialist uses a laser to create a flap on the eye cornea to access then reshape the cornea to rectify your vision. Then the surgeon places back the flap for the eye to heal. Both techniques require an expert eye surgeon who can handle the procedure successfully. Also, make sure that you have a driver to take you home after the process.
Both procedures may have some benefits. They include:
- Improved vision
Studies have shown that about 95% of people who go for LASIK surgery achieve the results they expected. People say that they get better vision and enjoy enhanced vision.
- Quick recovery process
When the patient is done with either the procedure, they should not drive right away. However, following the ophthalmologist assessment the patient will be advised when he or she can resume driving again after LASIK surgery procedure . For PRK, it can take two or three days.
- Lasting results
Your eye will have adjusted after three months, and the results are considered permanent. Follow-up procedures will be unnecessary unless your surgeon advises you to. Above all, you will be free of having to wear glasses or eye contact lenses.
It is vital to choose a qualified eye surgery specialist for both procedures. Here are some things to consider when looking for an eye specialist.
- Experience
This is the first aspect to consider when choosing a reliable eye doctor. A good eye doctor should have over twenty years of experience. They will have handled different cases and procedures. Therefore they should have the expertise you need to operate.
- Licensing
Choose an eye surgery clinic that is licensed to offer eye surgery services and choose an eye surgery doctor authorized by the local state to provide eye services. This is one of the ways to establish that you are dealing with trained and qualified eye doctors and that they have followed all the proper steps before getting the approval to work as an eye doctor.
- Equipment
Visit the eye clinic in person. Learn more about their services and whether the clinic is well equipped to handle the procedure. Then check that the company uses the latest technology to perform the operations successfully.
Customer Care
It is important to understand the role of customer service in eye care. In addition to providing great service to patients, the optometric practice you attend must make their employees aware of the importance of the customer. The eye clinic you choose must treat every patient as a person, not just as a series of appointments. Look for compassionate staff and processes that are optimized to respect the time of patients.
In conclusion, to know which procedure between PRK and LASIK would be right for you, consult with your eye doctor. The doctor will evaluate you then recommend the safest and effective option for you. Look for an eye clinic with high levels of customer care and and an attitude of empathy.