It would be something of an understatement if we were to say that finding new employment is challenging. No matter what has led to you landing in this position, finding a new job takes a great deal of time and effort and can feel downright deflating at times.
However, while that might very well be the case, nothing beats the feeling of elation when you receive a job offer and a start date. Once these initial feelings die down, it is only natural to feel nervous and antsy at getting everything in order for your start date.
With this in mind, you might find yourself wondering what it is in particular that you should be thinking about when starting a new job. If this is the case, you have found yourself in the right place at the right time! Detailed below, you will find a list of things to consider when starting a new job. Whether you are taking up employment in the coming weeks or beyond that, read on for more!
1. What Equipment Do You Need For The Job?
Naturally, the answer to this question will vary from one job to the next; there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to reaching a conclusion to this. Depending on what job you are undertaking will depend on what equipment you need for the role. If it is discovered that you need something specific in order to fulfil your job requirements, you should do your utmost to acquire this before your start date.
For the most part, companies tend to offer their new starters a monetary contribution when it comes to getting new equipment. At the same time, some businesses extend further and purchase the equipment for you. Contacting your new employer as early as possible to establish these details will go a long way.
If it is found that you need to access your own equipment, think about where in your home you will set up an office, especially if you are remote working permanently. Minimizing the chance of distraction and disruption from your surroundings is important, but so is your comfort. Branch Furniture’s guide to setting up an office helps determine these factors and more; using something like this in your plans will ensure you are ready to go on your first day without any obstacles.
2. What Hours Will You Be Working?
For the most part, this might be the first thing you think about once you have signed your employment contract. Particularly if you will be juggling your job alongside other responsibilities, you want to be able to plan out the days ahead and make any necessary childcare arrangements where applicable. Generally, the hours you will be contracted to work will be detailed in your employment contract but are often displayed on the initial job advert.
While this is the case, there is often scope for flexibility and negotiation regarding your working hours. Many employers understand the importance of juggling childcare with a full-time job. Not to mention, there is often a shared understanding should you need to take an hour to attend a hospital appointment too. Being open and honest with your employer about your working hours from the word go and making it crystal clear what you are able to work will ensure a strong working relationship is developed. You will also get time to spend with your family; what more could you want!
3. Will You Be Offered Training?
Understandably, most people apply for jobs they are applying for knowing they have the necessary skills required. After all, it makes getting through the initial stages easier and ensures that you are selected for an interview by being qualified for the job. At the same time, there is always room for improvement and space to develop your existing skills further while also picking up new ones along the way.
Finding out what training opportunities are provided in your place of employment will go a long way and enable you to plan how you want to progress in your career. No one enjoys reaching a point in their career where they are stagnating and not progressing any further. Making it clear to your employer you want to grow and develop your career will show your eagerness to learn and emphasize what you want to get out of your current job, but out of your wider career too.
4. Reaching Out Before Your Start Date
We have all experienced the pang of embarrassment at making new friends in an educational or professional setting. The initial step of putting yourself out there can be enough to flush your cheeks red and give you a pit in your stomach, but it is all part of the process! You never know; those you are set to meet in your new job role could prove to be some of your very best friends!
Connecting with those you are set to work with in the period before your start date, will enable you to put a name to a face while also having a network of people you can rely on in your first few days. Starting a new job can feel a bit isolating at times, particularly when you are nestling yourself into a team that is already established and close. Nothing stops you from putting yourself out there and getting close to these people too.
Whether you choose to connect with them on LinkedIn or prefer the introductory email method, the choice is entirely up to you! Making connections with those you are working with and developing these relationships over time is sure to encourage a healthy working environment, one that pays off for all involved.
Understandably, when starting a new job, there are several other things to think about; this piece has only scratched the surface regarding what you should be mulling over in the coming weeks. That being said, by preparing yourself as much as possible for a new job, you are sure to get off to the best start possible. Go forth with the knowledge and confidence you are doing the best for your new job, both in the short and long term.