The correct proofreading technique greatly simplifies the task of bringing the text to perfection. Working with a large number of texts in a short time, professional proofreaders have optimized this process and eagerly share their secrets with those who are ready to do this job on their own.
Is Proofreading of the Essay an Easy Task?
At first glance, it seems that writing an essay is much more difficult than proofreading it. However, this is not the case if the finalizing stage is performed responsibly:
- When a person writes a draft text, thoughts flow in a stream. Details elude attention.
- As a result, when a specialist from the essay proofreading service receives a seemingly finished paper, there is a lot of roughness in it:
- repetition of thoughts and words
- misuse of verb tenses
- misprints
- punctuation, stylistic and other errors
But to notice mistakes and remove them all, you need experience and knowledge of effective proofreading technologies. Computer programs that exist today are missing a lot of details. Therefore, those students for whom it is important to give the teacher or the commission an ideal essay prefer to turn to professionals from EssayEdge.
On the Usefulness of Knowing the Principles of Proofreading
Try to conduct a little experiment to see the significance of a professional approach:
- proofread one essay the way you always did before
- for the second one apply the technologies that are used by specialists to ensure that not a single mistake escapes the attention of the proofreader
- compare the results of the work and the obtained grades
You will be amazed at how much a professional approach affects the final grade.
How to Proofread Essays Effectively?
The first thing you need to do is to print your text. You will have to circle and underline many words and parts of the sentences in your essay. Therefore, it is even better to make several copies so as not to get confused by all the underscores. Proofreading is carried out when the paper has already been edited and there are no omissions left in it in terms of
- logic and structure
- style and tone
- use of terminology
Break the Work into Steps
It is better to check errors in stages. No need to start reading an essay and try to find grammatical, punctuation, stylistic and other mistakes at once. Look separately at each type of error. By doing this, you will have to re-read the essay many times, which means more roughness will be eliminated.
Circle Elements You Are Working with
When you examine something, circle it, so you don’t miss any mistakes. For example, when checking verbs and tense agreement, circle them all with a bright or felt-tip pen.
- First, you will immediately see how the work is consistent in relation to a certain time of the narrative
- Secondly, if you use the same verbs all the time, you will notice that and replace some of them with synonyms
If you act in stages and emphasize those parts of the sentence that you are checking, not a single mistake will be left in the text. But knowledge of technology is not enough. It is necessary to perfectly know all the rules of grammar, punctuation, and syntax. This is what distinguishes the professionals from the EssayEdge editorial service. They perfectly handle the proofreading of the essays leaving customers only the opportunity to be surprised by their accuracy and skills.