Japan arguably has the most polished customer service in all the world, so it is worthwhile for any customer service professional to carefully consider why Japan has such world-class service. One key reason is the Japanese culture. “Omotenashi,” which translates as “hospitality,” is a part of everyday life in Japan. But omotenashi means so much more than hospitality. It is about providing detailed service in numerous ways to put customers at ease and enable them to have a positive and memorable experience. There are many lessons to be learned from the Japanese way of doing things. Here are some of the things your company should consider implementing.
Consistent High-quality Customer Service Is Crucial
It is not only in luxury hotels and restaurants where you will find top-rated customer service in Japan. You will find the exact same quality of service in grocery shops and fast food joints. All kinds of industries in the Land of the Rising Sun implement a very high standard of service, from electronics manufacturers to the country’s forthcoming casino resorts. Even online Japanese businesses put their customers first. Whether Japanese people play games at an online ライブカジノ (live casino) or shop in a clothing store, they expect that high level of courteous customer service to be maintained. In other parts of the world, it can be easy to go with the norm and think that top-rate customer service is not as important in some industries than others. But whether your company is a burger franchise or a luxury jewelry company, if you maintain the same consistent level of courtesy and quality as the Japanese people, your company will gain an unparalleled reputation for service.
Every Customer Matters
American Express recently performed a survey to find out how many times people would have to experience poor customer service before they stopped purchasing from the company and went elsewhere. 1,000 people from several countries were asked the question. All of the countries’ results were between 23% and 37% apart from Japan, which resulted in 57% of the survey’s participants saying they would take their business elsewhere after only one case of bad customer service. That should illustrate how important every one of your customers is. If even one customer experiences poor customer service, you could potentially lose him or her for life.
You Should Assign an Individual Contact to Customers
In Japan, it is usual for customers to communicate with just one customer service representative about a specific issue. That ensures consistency for the customer. Just think of how many times in western countries you end up contacting a company about a problem and end up being passed on from one department to another and then having to call back and explain your situation right from the start again. Your blood is probably boiling just thinking about it. So, put yourself in the shoes of your customer. Every customer contacting your company’s customer service department will be much happier and much more likely to continue being your customer if he or she talks to the same representative each time.
Your Track Record Should Be Shown Off
Typically, in Japanese culture, people tend to avoid risks. When they are looking for new companies to purchase goods or services from, they will want to make sure the company has a good track record, including any certifications and awards. So, regardless of whether you have Japanese customers or customers of other nationalities, ensure your company’s track record is made visible. If you have certifications and awards, rave about them at presentations and events and list them on your website. The more you can prove to potential customers that you have the quality and experience they are looking for, the more custom you will gain.